L.E.T. Review

Below is a brief review of the core skills taught in L.E.T., Leader Effectiveness Training. It is designed for those who've taken the workshop. Perhaps you've stumbled across this mobile site and haven't taken L.E.T. Give it a shot anyway! If you think you might want to enroll in a workshop or simply want to learn more, contact us at: workplace@gordontraining.com or 800.628.1197.

Ready to take the quiz? Please select the choice that seems the most appropriate as it relates to what you've learned during the workshop--good luck!

  1. Viewing "Behavior" should be limited to:
    1. what I infer and experience
    2. what I believe
    3. what I can see and hear
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      what I can see and hear

  2. The area of the Behavior Window for "No Problems" is located in the:
    1. top
    2. middle
    3. bottom
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  3. The area of the Behavior Window that signals the other person is experiencing a problem is located in the:
    1. top
    2. middle
    3. bottom
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  4. The area of the Behavior Window that indicates I am experiencing behaviors exhibited by another as unacceptable to me is located:
    1. below the Acceptance Line
    2. above the Acceptance Line
    3. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      above the Acceptance Line

  5. The area of the Behavior Window which indicates that "We own the problem" is located in the:
    1. top
    2. middle
    3. bottom
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  6. If another's behavior is interfering with my needs and I've decided to confront with a "textbook" perfect Confrontive I-Message, how many parts should it have?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  7. After sending a Confrontive I-Message, if the other person becomes upset or defensive, I should "shift gears" to:
    1. Roadblocking
    2. Active Listening
    3. Re-confront
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      Active Listening

  8. The components of a "textbook" Confrontive I-Message are:
    1. vent, explain, change
    2. problem, solution, reason
    3. behavior, feeling, effect
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      behavior, feeling, effect

  9. In the model, what we call "I-messages" are often tempting to use, but are considered inappropriate when confronting another.
    1. you
    2. blaming
    3. moralizing
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  10. How many "Roadblocks" to communication were identified in the model?
    1. 10
    2. 12
    3. 8
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  11. Which of the following are the three criteria for effective confrontation?
    1. Produces helpful behavior change; has low risk of lowering other's self-esteem; has low risk of damaging relationship.
    2. Be sincere; offer your solution; stand your ground.
    3. Share blame; don't yell; strategize.
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      Produces helpful behavior change; has low risk of lowering other's self-esteem; has low risk of damaging relationship

  12. Which of the following are the research-identified, "three characteristics of an effective listener?"
    1. patience, attentive body language, relates personal experiences
    2. helpful, thoughtful, caring
    3. acceptance, genuineness, empathy
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      acceptance, genuineness, empathy

  13. When Active Listening to another, I should focus on the following two components of the other's message:
    1. reasons and intentions
    2. content (words) and feelings (emotions)
    3. content (words) and motives
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      content (words) and feelings (emotions)

  14. Which of the following was not identified as a "basic listening skill?"
    1. attending behavior
    2. questioning
    3. silence
    4. acknowledgments
    5. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  15. When in conflict with another, the method for resolving the issue so a mutuallyagreeable solution is developed is called:
    1. Method I
    2. Method II
    3. Method III
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      Method III

  16. Please select the correct step from the drop down menu to the right of each Step:
    1. Step I
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    2. Step II
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    3. Step III
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    4. Step IV
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    5. Step V
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    6. Step VI
      1. Choose Solution
      2. Brainstorm Solutions
      3. Implement Solution
      4. Identify Needs
      5. Check Results
      6. Evaluate Solutions
    7. show answer

      The correct order is:
      Step I. Identify Needs
      Step II. Brainstorm Solutions
      Step III. Evaluate Solutions
      Step IV. Choose Solution
      Step V. Implement Solution
      Step VI. Check Results

  17. Which of the following approaches is the best choice for helping to diffuse another's anger?
    1. Agreeing
    2. Reasoning
    3. Active Listening
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      Active Listening

  18. How many types of I-Messages belong in the No-Problem Area?
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:

  19. The Pre-Step for facilitating the Six Step Conflict Resolution process should not include:
    1. requiring the other to participate
    2. explaining the Six Steps
    3. acknowledging both parties' needs must be met
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      explaining the Six Steps

  20. Conflicts in which there is no tangible effect on either person is called a:
    1. Conflict of Needs
    2. Values Collision
    3. Confrontation
    4. show answer

      The correct answer is:
      Values Collision