Use of Parental Authority
Directions: Below is a list of typical things parents do in their relationship with their children. By being objective and honest with yourself on this exercise you will learn about one important aspect of your role as a parent- how you use your parental authority.
Please read each statement and then select your answer whether it is likely or unlikely for you as a parent to do what is stated (either exactly what is stated or something similar).
If you do not yet have children or if the item applies to a child older or younger or of a sex other than your own, simply predict how you would behave. Select only one of the alternatives. Only if you do not understand and item or feel very uncertain should you select the "N".
- U = Unlikely for you to do this or something similar.
- L = Likely for you to do this or something similar.
- N = Not applicable.
So that you understand the terms used in this exercise, read the following definitions:
- Punish = Cause some kind of unpleasantness for the child through denying him something he wants or inflicting physical or psychological hurt.
- Reprimand = Strongly worded criticism, scolding or bawling out, dressing down, negative evaluation.
- Threaten = Warn the child of possible punishment.
- Reward = Cause some kind of pleasantness for the child through giving him something he wants.
- Praise = Evaluate the child positively or favorable; say something good about him.
Indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet
Example: Require your ten-year-old permission to speak when he is in a gathering of adults.
By selecting the U, you would indicate that you are unlikely to require this.
Here Are Your Results
Use of Punishment
Score =
Rating =
Use of Reward
Score =
Rating =
Use of Both Kinds of Power
Score =
Rating =
Directions for scoring:
- First, count all of the L's circled after the odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7).
- Second, count all of the L's circled after the even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8).
- Place these two figures in the table below and write in the sum of all L's.
- Odd L's = This number indicated the degree to which you used punishment or threatened to use punishment to control your child or to enforce your solutions top problems.
- Even L's = This number indicates the degree to which you used rewards or incentives to control your child or enforce your solutions to problems.
- Total L's = This number indicated the degree to which you use both sources of your parental power to control your child.
Use of Punishment
- Score = 0-5 Rating = Very Little
- Score = 6-10 Rating = Occasionally
- Score = 11-15 Rating = Often
- Score = 16-20 Rating = Very often
Use of Reward
- Score = 0-5 Rating = Very Little
- Score = 6-10 Rating = Occasionally
- Score = 11-15 Rating = Often
- Score = 16-20 Rating = Very often
Use of Both Kinds of Power
- Score 0-10 Rating = Anti-authoritarian
- Score = 11-20 Rating = Moderately Authoritairan
- Score = 21-30 Rating = Considerably Authoritarian
- Score = 31-40 Rating = Very Authoritarian